Fitness & Nutrition for Equestrian Athletes

It takes two athletes to complete a true partnership.

Halt Square is the resource to help your equestrian dreams become a reality. Through equestrian-specific fitness and nutrition programming you'll create a body capable of supporting and reaching your goals as an equestrian athlete. We prepare the equestrian body for sport, with the same priority and emphasis as the equine. We're supporting equestrian bodies throughout North America with our head-quarters located in Ontario, Canada.

Personalized Fitness Program

Unleash your full potential with our rider training programs that are customized to you and your horse’s goals, weaknesses and needs. No matter your aspirations, we're confident we can sculpt a training regimen that aligns with you.

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Nutrition & Fitness Programs for Peak Performance

Discover the effects of wellness with our personalized nutrition and fitness plans. Halt Square’s programs ensure the equestrian athlete is able to perform at their peak, with their equine teammate. An athlete that feels strong, can confidently gallop towards their big ring goals.

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Founder of Halt Square

Megan | Founder + Equestrian Athlete

Halt Square is the combination of what has become my passion and my purpose. After going through my own wellness challenges, I’m eager to help fellow riders become the equestrian athlete that they are. It takes a strong body and mind to become the best team mate you can be, for yourself and your horse.

Meet Our Coaches

Canadian Olympic Athlete

Belinda Trussell

"Megan Glynn is an extremely trained and talented personal trainer. She is able to develop programs for each individual on their body awareness and set programs to improve their balance, coordination and strength on the horse. Megan recognizes each person as in individual, she understands previous injuries and challenges each rider might face and can develop programs to help each person. Megan’s passion for personal training and equestrian sport is the perfect combination for every rider at any level."

The Power of Personalized Training

Building Strong & Healthy Athletes

Every athlete benefits from a balance of practical, fitness, mobility and nutrition training to enjoy their sport safely, maximize their performance, and build endurance. Investing in your health will improve your overall performance and make your time on the saddle more enjoyable. At Halt Square, we help riders and their horses operate together at peak performance whether you are a beginner or seasoned rider. The Equestrian Sport is unlike any other, we know how much effort it takes to become one half of a partnership. We have built an incredible healthcare team to help support our horses' bodies from the impact of our sport, including us riding them everyday to help them become stronger. Halt Square adds the Equestrian Athlete to the team equation, where two athletes become one. Through practical fitness, mobility, and nutrition Halt Square helps develop equestrian athletes that are able to handle the stress of life and horses, while giving them a leg-up to reaching their goals in and out of the saddle.

Get Started

Align your equestrian training plan.

Equestrian Training Customized to the Equestrian Athlete. You know you’re meant for big dreams and big rings. Halt Square’s approach is holistic to maximize your potential and power as an equestrian athlete. Placing equal emphasis on rider training, nutrition, and fitness so that both you and your horse can enter the ring in peak performance. Our programs are as catered to each individual as much as your horses supplement and training plan is to them.

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